Monday 24 January 2011


Ok, so i've just been reading about hope and also listening to a really good song and so now basically i feel like i want to write a note so here goes :P you guys know what i'm like by now...i dont have a clue how long or short its going to be and i may go off topic a bit but yeah you get what i mean :)

You know when your going through something and it feels like it's the end of the world? You know when you get to a point where you just feel like you can't go on anymore and you just want to give up? Yeah we've all felt like that at some stage or another in our lives. I just want to say that it's not the end of the world. There is a God who cares for you so, so much. He loves you dearly. I may have got this wrong so please correct me if i have, but i heard a while ago that like if you like put your problems in the shape of a mountain? From extremely high up even the mountains look small. What may seem like a really big problem at the moment is quite small when you look down on it. I'm not sure if that makes sense but still i think you kinda get what i mean. You can get through it! Being a christian isn't easy, there are hurdles and obstacles along the way but God is with us through each and every one of those obstacles. They may be tests of don't know. But if you hold on to your faith you will get through it. God will help you. There are times when you feel like your about to give up and start to question God as to why he's putting you through things. It's best not to question God as he knows exactly what he's doing and he's never, ever going to give up on you. He knows everything about you and he knows everything that you're going through. He loves you so much. It says in 1 Peter 1:6, 'there is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure trials for a little while'. This is on about what we are going to get in heaven if jesus is your saviour. There is going to be so much joy and happiness in heaven. We all have hope and that is thanks to Jesus, without him we would be stuffed. We wouldn't have hope if it wasn't for Jesus. Learning to really trust Jesus especially when things go bad is something we all have to do and learn how to do. It's not easy at all.

 Last weekend at the momentum conference, lara martin came and sang a song amongst others called 'voice of hope'. Its such a good song and the lyrics basically some it all up. Anyway, my mind has pretty much gone blank at the moment, so if ive mis-interperated anything please do correct me :)


  1. Helloooo :D welcome to blogger missy <3!
    also very good note, it was helpful to me and you know exactly why so thankyou for that :')
    also i've heard that being a christian is a bit like baking a cake?
    so yeah :')
    keep it up - much love <3!

  2. Thank you :)
    And i know now that you've explained it to me :)
